Phoenix Pool Cleaning
Want all your swimming pool cleaning needs and desires fulfilled?Everything you need from pool cleaning to remodeling, the Phoenix Pool Expert has you covered. We know pools and we can take care of whatever you need in pool cleaning and repair.
You know what I mean, someone who knows what to look for and listen to. We are experts who have the practical knowledge to do what needs to be done with your pool, keeping it safe and beautiful.
DJ is the Phoenix Pool Expert and he’ll be happy to help you have a nicer backyard pool. Your pool will be known for it’s beauty and safety.
Servicing residential and commercial pools in Phoenix since 1986. DJ owns A-Okay Pool Services. He’s taken all the classes and had personal experience. He apprenticed under Steven Jokilehto with A-Sparkle for several years in the 90’s. For the past four years he’s been working almost exclusively in the repair department for B&L pools.
Now, He’s back! Making deals and delivering quality work in a timely manner.
“I don’t want to be the cheapest of the cheaps, I’d rather be the best of the best”~ D.J.
“If your pool is one of mine, it will stay clean. My pool stay clean. I set them up to clean themselves between stops. I have over 20 years experience cleaning pools. I’ve cleaned thousands of residential pools, HOA’s, apartments, hotels, resorts, you name it.
I have developed a pricing system that I think will work for you no matter who you are.
I offer the following services weekly, billed monthly.

B, one B
Balance chemicals
35-45/month ~ chemical only service
BBB three Bs,
Balance chemicals, empty Baskets, Backwash
55-65/month ~ most basic to keep water circulating
BBBB four B’s ** customer favorite
Balance chemicals, empty Baskets, Backwash, Brush steps and walls
65-85/month ~ for very low debris pools with good cleaners, many pools fit this category
BBBB The Five B’s
Balance chemicals, empty Baskets, Backwash, Brush steps and walls, net out Bulk of debris.
80-100/month ~ traditional full service
All the Bees…..
All the Bees above plus – enzyme treatment, phosphate remover, annual filter service, and quarterly emailed reports on water quality and maintenance issues. All the Bees package recommended with pools that are used regularly and where top performance is important.
$120-160 per month ~ inclusive service. Includes an algae free guarantee.
Price ranges are typical, smaller pools with less debris will be the lower range larger pools and pools with debris are typically on the higher side. Pool-spa combinations slightly higher. Free estimates!
“DJ is our guy, wherever he goes we go.” Dave G. apartment owner
Pool cleaning with today’s water chemistry and automation options makes pool service part art and part science. The Phoenix Pool Expert wants to be both artist and scientist for you.
I also do repairs! 4 years full time repairman at B&L pools as part of over 20 years experience owning A-OKAY Pool Services. All pools on cleaning service receive 10% off on repairs.
For a pool beyond description,
DJ Pritchard
Sun Shine Day Dream llc
A-OKAY Pool Services
Prices valid in the following zip codes only:
Phoenix, Scottsdale, Glendale, Paradise Valley
85053, 85023, 85022, 85032, 85254, 85250, 85253, 85018, 85016, 85014, 85012, 85013, 85015, 85017, 85019, 85301, 85303, 85302, 85304, 85306, 85051, 85021, 85029, 85020, 85028, 85258, 85260, 85251, 85008, 85006,
Services offered in other areas are bid only.
Acid Wash Phoenix
No matter what equipment you’ve got, the Phoenix Pool Expert knows how to fix it! Pentair, Hayward, and Zodiac will all fall to the amazing power of the Expert!
Whether your pool was built by Shasta, Paddock, or one of the smaller builders, it doesn’t matter! Every pool can be repaired by the Expert!
You deserve the best, so contact the Expert and let’s make it right! Call us now at 602-859-8889!
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